The sluggish growth in advanced economies, stubbornly high inflation, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have sapped the growth prospects throughout the world economy. These projections are subject to further substantial downside risks, including additional growth disappointments in major economies amid the rising energy prices and geopolitical uncertainties.
The clarion call towards achieving carbon neutrality & permanent shifts in the global energy industry's ecosystem mean that large organizations today also face an unprecedented level of change. The expanded deployment of cutting edge technologies to reduce, capture and ultimately eliminate carbon emissions are today driving substantial changes to their plant sites. The rules of the transition to the low carbon future will thus be arduous.
As we head in the year 2023, stringent net zero commitments, market risks & new process complexities stand to further accentuate the operational risks for process industries globally. Though process safety management has become the starting point of industry's operational excellence strategy, the continued tryst with catastrophic events prove that it takes much more than regulations, compliances & systems to manage & mitigate the risk of future industrial disasters.
Excellence in process safety & risk management requires transformational approaches to building safety leadership cultures both within the organisations & the larger community outside. It also requires harnessing the power of digitalization to implement innovations, safety management systems & global standards of practice. Culture, Smart technologies & involvement of community thus need to be the strategic board level priorities.
Augmenting process safety management through digitalization and innovation for the process industry globally, also calls for early adopters of these technologies & industry bellwethers to extensively share their knowledge, experiences & best practices. Thus setting new standards of commitment, culture & safety excellence for both organisations & communities.
The International Process Safety Conference (INPSC) was instituted to foster exchange of these best practices, ideas, expertise & technologies for the national, regional & global process industry. Themed “Pursuing Excellence through Leadership, Culture & Innovations”, INPSC 2023 – region's flagship & most influential multidisciplinary process industry forum, will bring together, face to face, global CXOs & safety leaders from regulatory agencies, asset owners, EPC contractors, Technology & Equipment Suppliers from over 100 global organizations.
Scheduled for 29th November 2023 at Hotel Le' Meridien, New Delhi, INPSC 2023 spread over 7 sessions, provides an interactive & meaningful opportunity for the local, regional and global representatives of the industry to address their growing requirements of improvements in risk assessment, evaluation & management techniques, process safety management systems & mitigation strategies etc in their continuous journey of pursuing excellence.
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